Did you know there is something very special and unique about the father role in a child’s life? The relationship between the father and the child is where our identity is formed, and it should be a healthy picture of how our Heavenly Father interacts with us. So, when we are abandoned, rejected or just not emotionally bonded with our earthly father, a deep void is created. That void creates a mind-set, we call this mind-set the "Orphan Wound". It’s a matter of “trust”. This often makes it difficult for us to interact with and have a deep intimacy with our Father in Heaven. Most of us say with our mouths, we believe in that love but our hearts are not so sure sometimes. Truly knowing our Heavenly Father's love is critically important and necessary for a Believer to function as a healthy member of the Body of Christ. Are we still saved? Of course, but a healing needs to take place so you can experience the fullness of God's promises for your life.
Ask yourself these questions:
If you’ve answered yes to several of these, it’s safe to say that maybe there is a broken-heart issue that is deeply in need of healing.
- Do I have a difficult time with connecting with Father God in an intimate way?
- Do I have difficulty with emotionally connecting with my spouse?
- Do I operate out of insecurity?
- Is it hard for me to have deep relationships? Are most of my relationships at a surface level?
- Am I jealous or envy others successes?
- Do I struggle with abandonment, loneliness, alienation and isolation?
- Do I have this feeling like I'm on the outside-looking in?
- Do I serve God to earn His love?
- Do I have a tendency to manipulate?
- Do I self-medicate by pulling deeply inward?
- Do I inwardly have some self-hatred?
- Do I struggle with self-worth?
- Do I fill the void by working constantly, through physical gratification or with narcissistic behavior and/or self-indulgence?
- Do I anesthetize deep hurts with addictions, over indulge in things, etc.?
- Am I driven by the need to succeed? Am I preformance driven?
- Do I use people to accomplish my goals?
- Do I repel my biological or spiritual children?
- Do I struggle with anger or fits of rage?
- Am I in competition with others a lot? Even silently?
- Do I lack self-esteem?
- Do I receive my identity from material possessions, physical appearance, or activities?
If you’ve answered yes to several of these, it’s safe to say that maybe there is a broken-heart issue that is deeply in need of healing.